
City of Jordoba: 3D Printable Terrain by Otus and Lovecraft

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A weird Swords & Sorcerous 3D printable city, designed by Erol Otus, Iain Lovecraft, and Matt Finch, suitable for D&D and other RPGs.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Street Bridges and Overpasses Unlocked!
over 4 years ago – Thu, Nov 21, 2019 at 02:06:25 PM

With less than an hour to go, we've unlocked the bridges and overpasses <whew!>. Thank you all so much, and we'll do an after-Kickstarter summary shortly after the campaign ends to describe the timing on BackerKit.


Temple of Set is in the House!
over 4 years ago – Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 09:18:36 AM

We have now put the Gateway to the Temple of Set in the bag. Great job, everyone, and WELCOME to the new backers! We've only got a little time left to go, and there are plenty of stretch goals still to unlock. The next one up might look a little bit bland, but it's not -- it's actually one of the more important and most flexible goals. This set of 6 buildings includes a second pattern for non-plastered stone buildings, and introduces complete modularity and customizability into the set. These buildings have no external features, allowing them to fit together in any configuration. By adding the peg-in doors and peg-in windows they can be adjusted to fit that configuration, whether the pieces need to be ground floors or second floors. Your city set is now adaptable into anything at all you want to create!

New Stone Pattern - completely modular!
Add peg-in doors and windows to customize everything about the city

Another stretch goal achieved! On to the Temple of Set!
over 4 years ago – Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 03:16:37 AM

We've crossed the $15,000 mark and we're on our way to the Temple of Set Stretch Goal at $16,000. This is where things get exciting, so keep on talking up the Kickstarter on social media. We've got stretch goals to give out for as high as you can drive the totals.

Another Stretch Goal Down, more added to list!
over 4 years ago – Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 03:16:02 AM

We have just achieved the Merchant's Parapet goal, which puts us on track to give out the beggar miniature when we reach $16,000. After that, we've started adding in some of the heavy-hitter stretch goals. At $16,000 you'll be getting the Gateway to the Temple of Set. At $17,000 we hit one of the most important stretch goals of the Kickstarter - a set of 6 "blank" buildings that allow you to create any street configuration you want, with a new stone texture, by using the already-unlocked peg-in doors and windows. Then at $18,000 the street bridges and overpasses allow you to create a maze of interconnections above street level by adding bridges, walkways, and connections between buildings. Beyond that? Wall decorations, short bridges, and plants! To get these stretch goals to you for free (rather than as add-ons) we really need your help to spread the word!

Bridges and Overpasses Stretch Goal

First Dome Stretch Goal Achieved - On to the Wagonyard!
over 4 years ago – Mon, Nov 18, 2019 at 08:18:00 PM

Thanks to all of you! We seem to be picking up speed, and we've unlocked the Merchant's Villa Dome already. It was great to arrive at Gamehole Con and discover we're already racking up more goals. I only just got in, got hooked up to the net, and SURPRISE! So, the next goal is the wagonyard. It's a narrow, cornered building with two different roof types that can be used (with mirror-printing) to build a small courtyard. These are great, by the way, for two things: first, heist adventures (because the characters have to start from outside, and they check every building around the target -- so quick printing is a benefit. Second, these are great for delineating streets in areas where the characters aren't really going to go into the buildings. Narrow buildings, again, are a much quicker print job that lets you save your printer time for the climactic buildings where the action's really going to take place. The wagonyard unlocks at $11,000. Let's go!

[No cool pictures because I only just got to the con and haven't set everything up yet. But you can see it on the main page. Sorry about the rotten photo of the building itself.]
